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Newbie Nuvi 1350 user

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    Originally posted by arvin555 View Post
    Plus I am excited that I have found out that there is a whole town that is still unmapped and I am hoping to be the one to do it for the group. Unless someone beats me to it.
    no problem with that. you can even indicate on the forum that you'll be doing the area, so that there will be no duplication of work.


      Nah Kuya Doki, I don't want to claim exclusivity, if we have a member who gets to cover that town first, I'd be very happy as well, that is the nice thing about our "community" But even if someone beats me to it, there is always further contribution oppurtunities, updates, new waypoints, edits, 1sec tracks, etc.

      It's in Northern Samar, also I am ashamed to post exactly because I am not sure when I can visit and do my mission

      On the other hand I have a track for a new road/s around Tanauan that will be posted soon. Too bad I didn't see the street names for them



        Hope you guys can help my friend, he has a taiwan nuvi 1350 unit, we installed the basic map on his unit, and everything seems to be working, we can search for streets, cities and intersections just fine, except when searching for pois, all the pois that turn up are taiwanese pois, is there a way to disable or remove the taiwan map?


          Yes! first of all, if there is even a remote chance that your friend will go to Taiwan, then leave it there.

          How to disable it.

          1. Go to Settings/Maps/ info

          2. Uncheck all the items except the RG map.

          Should work fine now.

          Good luck!


            Tried unchecking the taiwan map but it doesn't work, it just keeps on getting checked again, but we did finally get it to work by plugging and mounting the unit as a usb drive on the pc, then in the .system folder, we moved all the .img files into a new folder essentially deleting the taiwan map while backing it up also for future use.


              Cool work around, yup that will work, plus as you said you do still have a backup! If I may suggest, if it is not so big a file, back it up (Taiwan map) in your PC as well.

              Still that is weird that you were still getting the Taiwan POIs and stuff, and automatic checking is also weird, this never happened on my 1350.

              One last thing that is possible is that maybe, just maybe you guys still haven't locked the GPSR in the Philippines yet? Meaning that the unit might think that it is still in Taiwan? Of course this possibility is easily debunked if you can confirm that you already got a sat lock in the country.

              I just like to over analyze things sorry!



                Yup, a backup to a pc would be a good idea, come to think of it, I'll back up everything on the unit just to be sure.

                It was really weird, we could see our location, search and navigate the streets, but poi search would always brings up taiwan pois, it was funny to see it trying to calculate a route to a convenience store in taiwan.

