[QUOTE=Britster;59854]I don't have an Android Smart Phone or Android Tablet currently (but did find a website offering Android Live that runs in Virtual Machine on your PC, so might download and install to have an Android 'Emulator' on my PC so I can see what it looks like, should a buy an Android Smart Phone or Tablet)
In the meantime I am checking out the Navitel Symbian OS on my Nokia N95 8GB, but not yet found a way to run Demo Mode with the RG Navitel Map!
This is the Navitel website I downloaded from:-
Noticed that when you install the Navitel 5.060 version for Symbian and run it in demo it will not index the RG maps (error message says more than 100 kb). The only way I got the RG maps to work with Symbian was when I already installed the license key. Yet clearly the RG maps can be indexed and used even on trial/demo mode in IOS , Winmo and Android (several members have verified this) for 30 days at least. Maybe different installation behavior depending on the version.
In the meantime I am checking out the Navitel Symbian OS on my Nokia N95 8GB, but not yet found a way to run Demo Mode with the RG Navitel Map!
This is the Navitel website I downloaded from:-
Noticed that when you install the Navitel 5.060 version for Symbian and run it in demo it will not index the RG maps (error message says more than 100 kb). The only way I got the RG maps to work with Symbian was when I already installed the license key. Yet clearly the RG maps can be indexed and used even on trial/demo mode in IOS , Winmo and Android (several members have verified this) for 30 days at least. Maybe different installation behavior depending on the version.